Employment Services

Tasks Unlimited’s supported employment services help participants with mental illness find workplace success. We prioritize participant voice and choice across three programs: Jobs Training, Job Placement, and Job Retention.

Our Jobs Training Program

Our Jobs Training Program (JTP) provides paid on-the-job training, independent living skills support, career pathways services, and mental health management skills. Participants in the 12-week program engage in up to 20 hours per week of vocational training, getting paid at or above minimum wage.

The program now has a two-track structure to give participants flexible pathways based on their goals and interests:


  • Gaining skills through Tasks’ janitorial services
  • Pursuing a job search outside Tasks in the broader community

Eligibility Criteria:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • Diagnosed with a serious and persistent mental illness
  • Hennepin or Dakota County resident

Our Jobs Placement Program

Tasks’ Job Placement Program (JPP) helps people with disabilities prepare for, find, and stabilize employment in the competitive workplace.


  • Career Assessments/Matching
  • One-on-one employment counseling and job search assistance
  • Resume and Cover Letter Workshops
  • Online Application Assistance

Skills Development

  • Interviewing
  • Keeping a job and growing with your employer
  • Meeting and exceeding employer expectations
  • Time management
  • Setting up voicemail and email
  • Negotiating salary, benefits, and positions

Eligibility Criteria

  • Referral from your vocational rehabilitation counselor
  • Verification of disability

Our Job Retention Services

Do you have trouble keeping a job? Tasks’ Job Retention Services will help you communicate effectively with your employer, identify barriers and supports to maintain and grow your career, and help your employer keep you working.


  • Communicating about what you need to succeed
  • Helping you express your needs and interests at your job (e.g., change in work schedule, negotiating a raise, etc.)
  • Job coaching on how to do your work well and learn new skills
  • Training for co-workers so they can support you on the job
  • Managing work-life balance

Eligibility Criteria

  • 18 years of age or older
  • Diagnosed with a disability
  • Willingness to engage in employment services