Mental Health Services

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Medication Management

Tasks Unlimited’s partnership with Dr. Dean Knudson ensures all program participants have regular access to psychiatric care. (Program participants do have the option to continue services with their own psychiatrist.) Tasks Unlimited also boasts a team of medication specialists and psycho-social education coordinators to monitor the effectiveness of the medication and compliance with prescribed treatment.

Illness Management & Recovery Groups

Illness Management and Recovery groups meet weekly to discuss their symptoms, what it means to have a mental illness and the available treatment options. The program is designed to educate consumers, identify warning signs, cope with everyday stressors, develop strategies for illness management, create action plans and minimize relapses.

Chemical Health Program

Tasks Unlimited employs a chemical health skills coordinator to assist program participants in breaking the cycle of addiction from tobacco, alcohol or other addictions often associated with mental illness.

Wellness Program

Participants have the opportunity to learn healthy living habits such as exercising, eating healthy foods and participating in mental health wellness groups. In addition, an on-site nurse provides regular health maintenance assistance such as blood pressure screenings, weight management programs and diabetes management.

Recreation Program

Each month, Tasks Unlimited publishes a recreation schedule offering opportunities to interact with other Tasks Unlimited program participants. Activities include Tai Chi, biking outings, hiking adventures, cabin stays and day trips. Program participants also have the opportunity to participate in Tasks Unlimited planned vacations at their own expense.

In addition to the above programs, Tasks Unlimited offers benefits coordination and Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services (ARMHS) to all eligible program participants, as well as Targeted Mental Health Case Management and Independent Living Skills (ILS) training to program participants from specific counties.